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Workshop Index

Discrete Urban Space and Connectivity Medium SA(Social Algorithms) 2020, Computational Design Subtitle: Partition & Relationship Keyword Data Structure, Graph, Matrix, Pixel, Voxel, Discretization, Partition, Connection, Search Workshop Reference 1. Computational Design Thinking for Designers — link(Eng) 2. Data & Design — link(Eng) — link(KR) Data to Wisdom, The Information Factory S.A. !We are able to answer these questions below...
AI for designers Data for design
Code for Design, Data, and Programming Code for design as tool
Raster Raster data as design meterial
Third Place Analysis and Implementation (Design, Data, Artificial Intelligence) Author: NJ Namju Lee NJSTUDIO Director, ESRI Software engineer Linkedin nj.namju@gmail.com Source code Korean Version / English Version Table of Contents 1. Preface 2. Project outline 3. Process summary 4. Project process 4.1. Collecting Third place data and mapping (visualization) 4.2. Data understanding and purification (preprocessing), category reduction (dimension reduction) 4.3. Weight and ..
Computational Design Thinking for Designers Computational Design The keywords could help designers to start thinking like a computational design specialist. Computational thinking in design asks you holistic approaches to resolve a small design problem while also asking you an extremely isolated process to fix a comprehensive design concern. These different levels of the approach become huddles to understand computational design processes..
Data & Design Data & Design Computational Design, NJSTUDIO English Version Korean Version Data is becoming increasingly available not only for specialists but also for designers in diverse ways. The importance of data has led to the new age of design, and it made possible holistic design approaches in architectural, landscape, and urban design. Optimization, parametric design, data-driven design, and somethin..
[특강 2022] 첨단미디어디자인전공 "1학년"을 위한 디자인, 데이터, 코딩 소개, 다가오는 시대, 기회, 준비전략, 동기부여 그리고 멘탈리티 첨단 미디어 기술을 활용하는 디자이너 지망생들과 함께, 디자인과 데이터 그리고 소프트웨어 기술에 대한 이야기를 나누었습니다. 특강 녹화 비디오를 올려 드려요 :)  특강 수업 자료 - 링크특강 수업 녹화 - 링크00:00 - 배경 설명 참조링크: 서울시립대 건축학전공 봄 정기 강연 2022 / 컴퓨테이셔널 디자인 / 데이터 그리고 디자인 - https://youtu.be/amOThlGDE0E .......................................................................................01:31 - 엔제이 스토리 설명 참조링크: #흙수저마라톤, 라이브 2 - 그 마라톤 코스(나의 10대 20대 30대 커리어 패스, 나름 디테일 버젼) - htt..