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Workshop Index

Software & Installation INSTALLATIONInstructor : NJ Namju Lee / nj.namju@gmail.com* Lab - https://namjulee.github.io/njs-lab-public/nj-namju-lee* Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nj-namju-lee-926b3252/ * Git - https://github.com/NamjuLee* Video(English) - https://www.youtube.com/c/njnamjulee * Writing(English) - https://medium.com/@nj-namju* Video(Korean) - https://www.youtube.com/c/CodeforDesign ..
Data Structure and Algorithm for Design and Research - Open Lecture: https://open.kakao.com/o/s7INi2jf - Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLweNVwGgDKEair4NVORvdpuKM2807b7jE Data Structure and Algorithm for Design and Research www.youtube.com - Level Advaced - Prerequisite Python: 02 Python Basic / 디자이너를 위한 파이썬 02 파이썬 기초 1/2 - link 03 Python Basic / 디자이너를 위한 파이썬 03 파이썬 기초 2/2 - link DigitalFUTURES, Python Basic - link Class: [#컴퓨테이셔널..
Open Lectures / 원데이 클래스 엔제이채널 아카이브에 약 1314여 개의 ‘영상’과 약 171여 개의 ‘글’ 학습자료가 있다는 사실 알고 계십니까? 장기적 성장을 위한 개인화된 학습 지도를 원데이 클래스로! 나의 목표 성취를 위한 상담, 학습자료, 스터디 가이드! 상담과 그에 따른 수업/컨설팅이 원데이 클래스 멘토십의 핵심입니다. 디자인과 컴퓨테이션 저변 확대를 위한 나눔, 학습, 그리고 성장 원데이 멘토십 대상 1. 컴퓨테이셔널 디자인 학습을 시작하고 싶으신 분 2. 엔제이채널 학습자료를 100% 이용하고 싶으신 분 3. 체계적인 학습 지도를 그리고 싶으신 분 4. 코딩이 궁금한 디자이너(디자이너 지망생, 실무자, 교육자, 연구자) 5. 크리에이티브 코딩 실습 전에 기초 지식과 학습 방법이 궁금한 분 6. 컴퓨테이셔널 디자인을 적용하..
Geometry For Design how to deal with spatial information ... vector, point, line, curve, surface, mesh ... creative tool for design, process, evaluation, exploration computational tool for design science, simulation, analysis environment, analysis, simulation materials, fabrication vector and raster data, design science tools, interface GIS data and visualization interaction
[Cheat Sheet] Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Keras, Neural Networks, Skicit-learn, Pandas Data Science [Cheat Sheet] Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Keras, Neural Networks, Skicit-learn, Pandas, Data Science
[Cheat Sheet] Python, List, Data Types, Class, Pandas, Numpy, SKlearn [Cheat Sheet] Python, List, Class, Pandas, Numpy, SKlearn
Clustering Points: Collision-Based Dynamic Graph method Research for clustering point data in digital mapping Abstract This article states a clustering algorithm for dynamic points at different zoom levels on digital mapping. Urban, landscape, or architectural designers could use this methodology to represents data as visual groups or to reveal insights from data while interacting data directly, on the stage of analysis and decision-making process. 1..
Digital Mapping using ArcGIS JSAPI DigitalFUTURES WORLD : ARCHITECTS UNITE Workshops Day 6: Digital Mapping using ArcGIS JSAPI Introduction to JSAPI and the Development of a Mapping App Keyword Projection, Remap, Interpolation, Generalization, ArcGIS JSAPI, Gestalk Principles, Principles of Graphical Integrity, Bertin’s Visualization design space Research Overview: * Third Place Mobility Energy Consumption Lecture: 1) Projection,..